This version of Marvel Rising focuses on Inferno, whose powers get stolen by a criminal named Zayla. The Secret Warriors attempt to get Inferno's powers back while Inferno is conflicted as to whether he actually wants his powers back.
This version of Marvel Rising focuses on Inferno, whose powers get stolen by a criminal named Zayla. The Secret Warriors attempt to get Inferno's powers back while Inferno is conflicted as to whether he actually wants his powers back.
主演:Nur Fathiah Diaz,Nizam Razak,Fadzli Mohd Rawi,Wong Wai Kay,Yap Ee Jean,Anas Abdul Aziz,Hazwani Hamizah,Nur Iman Andaliz,Nur Sarah Alisya,Wong Pak Lin,Ieesya Isandra,Muhammad Abdurrahman Solahuddin,Dzubir Mohamed Zakaria